Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025
job for a student

If, like me, the end of your studies is approaching, you have to think about that fateful moment when you will have to find a full-time job. Lack of experience is often a factor that seems to cause problems and that’s why you will have to use the resources you have to make your job easier.

Use your network

Throughout your studies, you had the chance to meet many people: employers, professors, internship supervisors, colleagues and classmates. Now is the time to let everyone know that you are looking for a job. You never know who could tell you about an opportunity and land you the perfect job for you!

Be proactive

Someone has probably already told you that most job offers are not posted. So don’t hesitate to take the lead and send unsolicited applications. Also, don’t hesitate to be original. Remember that this is one of the best ways to set yourself apart from other applicants.

Personalize your resume

Continuing from the previous point, your CV is the first thing the recruiter sees and therefore your first chance to catch his attention. Highlight your The perfect job for a student best educational and professional achievements related to the job you are applying for. Your school implications can also be very useful to you to demonstrate your skills if you do not have professional experience in the field. Then, add a little color to your CV, if you wish, by taking inspiration from models available on Pinterest.

Be flexible

You surely have a dream job in mind that meets all your expectations and I hope you get it. On the other hand, it is possible that it is not the one you obtain immediately at the end of your studies. Be flexible and agree to lower your expectations, at least to start with. By doing so, you give yourself more chances to find a job that may very well suit you even if it is not perfect. With years and experience, you will certainly be able to achieve this position of your dreams.

Once this preliminary work has been done, it’s up to you to take a step back and summarize your journey. Avoid autobiography at all costs , and don’t dwell on detailing every experience. You risk putting your partner to sleep and the purpose of the job interview is not to make you talk only about your background. So go to the essentials, and be focused on the most important elements for you , and the most meaningful and most in line with the proposed mission…

Go to others

Don’t stay in your corner: mingle with others , chat with them, get to know each other! Do this on your first day. Even if you feel intimidated, take your courage in both hands, it will be easier afterwards. For example, start by asking them about their position at the company . People often like to talk about what they do, so this is a great conversation starter.

You do not know ? Ask! There are no stupid questions and it is better to ask a question than to risk making a mistake. Plus, it shows that you care about what your colleagues are doing.

Like thousands of students, you have or will have internships. Could this be your first internship, or your last? If you are afraid of making mistakes, has prepared a survival guide for you to be the number 1 intern.

Take care of your appearance

It doesn’t seem like much, but it counts a lot during the internship! Avoid arriving in the morning with mismatched clothes that give the impression that you have just got up , it is not well seen. Also, don’t go for the suit or the chic if your co-workers are in jeans. Adapt!

By admin

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